Neo Generation: Pedro Covelo

Pedro Covelo: In 2014, he received the award for the best young designer at ModaFad and Pontevedra Moda. In 2015, he presented his collection at the 080 Barcelona Fashion, at the Samsung Ego Madrid, as well as in Mexico.

Vigo-Barcelona: “I’m from Galicia, from Vigo. My studies in fashion began there, even though it was only for a year. It was more like my first contact with fashion than anything else. Then I went on to study at LCI Barcelona. This city seems to be ideal to study anything related to the arts sector. You have to listen to Barcelona, it has many things to tell you, to teach you, and to offer you, all with a European transit of people.”

Seasons: “I don’t believe that the system of seasons as we now understand it, to be outdated. I just think that for a young designer it’s very complicated to present two collections a year. You have to have several jobs, it’s the thing to do for any young creative who wants to set up a project these days. And even if one year goes by from one presentation to another, if someone likes your work, they’ll remember you. It is also more healthy to think about all this as an artistic exercise; enjoy it and feel it.”

Genderless: “There are more and more guys who dress exactly how they want, without impediments related to their sexual condition. They don’t have prejudices, they feel free and comfortable with themselves to wear whatever they want. With regard to what I am presenting, my image in each collection reflects the man that I have in my head. He’s in the middle of this whole story and not only do I convey how to dress, but also whether or not he knows how to speak French, what music he’s listening to, or how he combs his hair.”

Mexico: “I presented last year in Mexico and everything is very different there. There are designers who have interesting work, but the reality is that the European society is different to the Latin, as are the references or things that are consumed.”

Spain: “Here, I basically see the same industry as always. There’s still a lack of big companies who support young entrepreneurs. From my point of view it seems as if, instead of rewarding, you’re punished for doing things.”

Sales: “A lot of my clothes may be purchased in Dust and Soul. It is a project that a couple girls have just started. It’s a web site that will sell art and fashion. In addition, I also designed a small capsule collection for them.”

Prices: “They range from 40 euros for a tweed polo to woolen, mohair and angora pullovers, all hand-woven, that are about 400 euros.”


Text: Javier de Juanas / Photographer: Adrián Catalán / Make Up: Raffaele Romagno / Hairdress: Esaü Raoul

Neo Generation: Pedro Covelo

Neo Generation: Pedro Covelo

Neo Generation: Pedro Covelo

Neo Generation: Pedro Covelo

Neo Generation: Pedro Covelo

Neo Generation: Pedro Covelo

Neo Generation: Pedro Covelo