Women Power by G-Star

Esta temporada volvemos a cargarnos las pilas con la imagen de 2 mujeres fantásticas. La fotógrafa Ellen Von Unwerth y la modelo Camilla Christensen. Las 2 principales protagonistas de la campaña otoño invierno 2015-16 de G-Star. Una detrás de la cámara, y la otra delante. Las 2 tienen muchas cosas en común, incluso su gusto por los jeans ajustados, aunque cada una exprese su inclinación de una forma distinta. Eso es lo bonito de los jeans, que no tienen reglas de estilo. Los puedes llevar como te dé la gana. Y es ese sentimiento de libertad el que quiere potenciar G-Star con la pregunta de su nueva campaña: “how do you wear yours?”.

This season we’re back to recharging our batteries with the image of two amazing women: photographer Ellen Von Unwerth and model Camilla Christensen. The two main protagonists in G-Star’s Autumn/Winter 2015-16 campaign. One behind the camera, and the other in front. Both of them have many things in common, although each one expresses her inclination in a different way. That’s what’s lovely about jeans: they don’t have any style rules. You can wear them exactly how you feel like. And it’s that feeling of freedom that G-Star wants to highlight with a question in their latest campaign: “how do you wear yours?”.


Women Power by G-Star


How was shooting your second campaign for G-Star RAW?
Really cool! We had a lot of fun together and with the models. It was great to get together again after
such an enjoyable time first time ‘round.

What was the concept for the Autumn/Winter ’15 campaign?
I’d recently been watching a lot of old cabaret and German expressionist movies, which I took as
inspiration for the shoot. The campaign is about the democracy of jeans, simply asking ‘how do you
wear yours?’ So the models explored this question with that theatrical influence.

What was the vibe like on set this time round?
The vibe was amazing, very intense; we all had a great time on set! There was great energy, and
unique dynamics between the models.

What is your favourite image from this campaign, and why?
I think my favourite image is the one of all five girls stood together, hands in each other pockets, looking into the camera. I think it came out beautifully, and I like the atmosphere of it, slightly mysterious and a little bit sexy.

The A/W’15 campaign sees model Camilla Christensen as one of the faces of G-Star RAW for a
second time. What is your dynamic with Camilla?

We have a really special dynamic. Of course, she is a very beautiful girl, and that’s always great for a
photographer – but her real strength is her energy. She knows how to act in front of my camera and she
knows how to move her body in a funny, cute, and original way; she knows how to direct her young girly
look and give it a “femme fatale” twist.

Women Power by G-Star


What is your criteria when deciding which models to work with?
A really important thing for me is to meet the model before the project! That changes everything to
choose somebody whose personality you are into. It’s always more interesting to work with models with
unique personalities, people that you know are going to surprise you again and again. And I like to work
with models who know how to act because if they can translate the story I want to tell in terms of pose
and expression, then the pictures will be more interesting, and that is what I am looking for!
The first experience with G-Star was great, so I was keen to work together again! I love the brand, so to
do their campaigns is an opportunity to take photographs with great clothes within an amazing vibe. I
love my relationship with the G-Star team. I can feel that they trust my instinct and ideas, and I love their approach and style. It is a rich relationship that I hope will last.

Your work has a distinct, instantly recognisable style. How does this meet with the visual
identity of G-Star?

I like to photograph models in a sensual and feminine way, but they are also intense, strong and free.
This is where the G-Star visual identity meets my style, as the clothes are designed for the young, the
wild, and the free. Our approach to spontaneity is on the same level: we have the same energy of

How does the product affect your photography? Does denim need a special approach?
The product affects my photography in that I need to choose which is the best way to show it and
capture it. With G-Star, their denim is very textured, raw, and rough, and I love how it looks in my
contrasty black and white pictures.

What’s your daily uniform? Is there anything you prefer to wear when you’re at work?
My uniform consists of a tight pair of jeans, a loose but elegant shirt, and a jacket. I like being colourful and comfortable – especially when I shoot because I need to be unrestricted for my moves!

Women Power by G-Star


The G-Star A/W’15 campaign explores the beautiful adaptability of jeans to any style. So, can
you tell us how you wear your jeans?

I like wearing my jeans on the tighter side. I like “skinny jeans” that show off your figure.

In your opinion, how does G-Star differ from other jeans brands?
I think G-Star has a great fit. The jeans are very comfortable and they fit your body well. I also like it
when they get worn in a bit.

You also starred in the previous G-Star campaign for S/S ‘15. How was the experience second
time around?

I had fun with both campaigns especially because Ellen was the photographer for both. I can’t say
one was better than the other.

Photographer Ellen von Unwerth has expressed how much she enjoys working with you, and
the unique dynamic you have together. How would you describe your photographer/model

Ellen has a “Woman Power” to her that makes her fun. She’s also a good director bringing out the
best in the model. For me it never feels like work when I am on set with her.

You spend a lot of time in front of the camera. How was working on this campaign different
from other shoots you have been on?

I’ve tended to shoot campaigns as a single model or with a male model. With G-Star there were
several other models so it was important that the models were in sync in terms of energy and chemistry.
And Ellen got it to work. Also the G-Star team made it an amazing experience!

Is there anybody in particular you are dreaming to work with?
I would love to work with Bruce Weber.

Women Power by G-Star


You grew up in Denmark, right? How has your upbringing effected who you are today?
Yes I grew up in Copenhagen, Denmark. I spent a lot of time as a ballet dancer growing up and that
experience has helped give me a good discipline toward work and taught me how to be responsible
especially now that I’m on my own.

Now living in the city that never sleeps (NYC), are there moments when you miss home?
Sometimes…but my boyfriend Ruisdael often encourages me to get out of town to escape the hustle
and bustle of New York City. So we will often go camping, hiking and fishing and do other fun stuff

I can imagine that training as a professional dancer gives one a great understanding of one’s
body and how to move and shape it. Do you find that your experience as a ballerina gives you
any advantages in front of the camera?

Yes totally. I feel connected from head to toe and dancing gives you a good understanding and
awareness of your body.

How would you describe your personal style?
Pretty casual I would say. I like to wear jeans quite a bit but I’ll sometimes dress it up with a nice
handbag or cool pair of shoes.

How does denim play a big role in your daily uniform?
Yes, I love denim jeans. I also think denim shorts are cute.

Do you have a favourite pair of jeans in the G-Star range?
I like the Elwood 5620 mid skinny. I’m wearing it all the time – I really like the biker details!

Women Power by G-Star